31 January 2017

Advanced Class in Schöppenstedt, 26.05 - 28.05.2017

Hey jungle painters,

we are happy to announce the next MV painting class in Germany.

This time, Roman will hold one of MV's Jar´s Advanced Classes in Schöppenstedt.

Class will be on the weekend of: 26.05.2017 - 28.05.2017

The class will be held in German.

We offer three days full of colors and happy painting. Be sure to save your seat quickly. If you are interested in joining the class, please write an E-Mail to Peter: baphomet---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com

You will find all necessary information here:
Advanced Class

If you need an English translation, please feel free to contact Peter via the E-Mail-address above.
If you are interested in having one of Roman´s classes in your city, please check this link: CLICK

Best wishes,
Your MV-Team

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