11 August 2016

Introducing our new MV-member: Erik

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

there is a new ape in the jungle: Erik, aka "Archer".

As you all know, the MassiveVoodoo blog is some kind of a chilled living room for a group of close friends, who share painting miniatures as a common passion. Erik was already a good friend for some years now and as he moved to Augsburg and found a seat in the MV studio we invited him to join us here on MV some weeks ago.

As we are all very busy with our daily life, it took some time to find the proper words for this moment, but now we want to give him the opportunity to introduce himself and music:


Name: Erik Lux

Nickname: Archer

Job: IT Specialist since 2005

Years of Painting: uuh...not easy to say, I started 1997 and took long break after 1999. I started again 2004 with another break between 2008 and 2010, but since 2010 I'm painting constandly, so its almost 12 years of painting over the years.

Media: Mostly acrylics, but I always like to give new things a try.

Brushes: Winsor & Newton Series 7, Raphael Series 8402

Airbrush: Yes, I use i for a lot of different tasks. Sometimes it just depends on my mood.

Miniatures: Fantasy, SciFi, Historical scales between 28mm and 75 mm, busts in different sizes and somtimes also scale models.

Depends again on my mood and the project from slow to rather quick everthing is possible.

Average Painting Hours per day: I try to paint as much as my work and life allows me to do.

Sculpting: Rarely, I just started to sculpt whole miniatures and busts and I'm still on a beginners level.

Favorite Painters and Sculptors: There are so my people how are an inspiration, I can't count them, even a beginner can kick you into a new direction for future projects. Never underestimate a new mind.

Gallerys of my painting work:


my name is Erik.

Me and Akira who will always be in good memory.

Since 2015 I live in the wonderfull city of Augsburg, Germany, but I was born and raised in a small region of Germany called, Saarland. A really nice place to live, with a strange kind of german language.

Or more explanation if need be: DE Saarländer.

I started long time ago as a tabletop player, like probably most of the people in this wonderfull community. In this time, the Internet just was a almost undiscovered land (Yes I'm a bit older guy) and you had to wait minutes to load a small page. The community was mostly a locale one and it wasn't easy to find people to play or paint.

After a Games Day visit, I wanted to paint such beautifull miniatures too and here my painting voyage has realy begun.
I started to learn more about colors, techniques, basing, sculpting and lot more. I searched for people, who have the same passion as me (much easier with this big and fast Internet). Well, I found „DasBemalforum“ and met some great, talented and crazy people.

Some years ago attending my first workshop with Roman and Raffa.

I learned a lot, but I wanted more. 
I visited some Workshops with Christian „Bestienmeister“ Reckerth, Ben „White Rabbit“ Komets and last but not least Roman and Raffa from Massive Voodoo. All this people showed me not only simply to paint a miniature.
They showed me, to create and bringing small storys with this miniatures to life, coming from my heart, made with love and passion.

Erik & Raffa

I love it to start a new project, or just build a base with no special intention to finish it, just to let my creativity a way to become alive. My cabinet is full with WIP's that probably never will be finished. But from time to time I see one of this forgotten ones and I with a new notion in mind, I finish it like a paint maniac.

Meanwhile, I have found a good way to bring my kind of creativity to a useful purpose. Well actually Roman found that purpose. Roman is a truly paint maniac, but he doesn't like to do the preparation stuff all the time, so I once in a while assamble a lot of his miniature he wants to paint and we both can do wath we realy love.Of course I get something in return and this is not only Roman's bro love :)

That's why Roman sometimes calls me „Master of Zammenbauen“!  
(Master of Preparations!)

The Stare.

A base I one day have to finish with a miniature or Roman is getting angry with me:

I'm so happy to join the Massive Voodoo crew, 
where I found more than just people who are painting miniatures, they are friends and brothers in mind.

Some of my work:


  1. Hope to see looooots more of your Work Erik =)

  2. Love the bases you have done, and have heard of the prep king title of you when in Denmark! :) Enjoy it, and looking forward to seeing more of your works soon!

  3. Woah, what's that miniature in the last pic? All of these pieces are stunning!

  4. Thanks for the warm welcome. I try to post some new projects in the future.
    @Daniel: The miniature is a minor converted ones from the first DVD of Painting Buddha!

  5. Wat dann genaa fir'n Gejend em Saarland?

  6. Welcome my friend, now it's official!

  7. Nice work - Welcome to the jungle! Bet you read that like Axel Rose :P

  8. Hmmm... gleicher Name, gleicher Job, gleiches Hobby, etwa gleiches Alter und viel mehr Haare hab ich auch nicht mehr. ;)
    Nette Arbeiten, "No Future" gefällt mir besonders gut!

  9. Kann mir keinen würdigeren Vertreter des Saarlandes im Massive Voodoo Jungle vorstellen. Mach uns stolz Junge!😉
