26 July 2016

Tutorial Voting: Find your way - to Sparta!

Hey Jungle Painters,

Tuesday again and time for tutorial voting via MV's year of the painter 2.
This week's voting result will be revealed on Friday or Saturday. Depends how Roman finds the time to sit down and write the article for our MV readers. He is in a private coaching Thursday and Friday.
The winning tutorial will be written if at least on overall of twenty votes is reached.

Important notice:
Soon Roman is heading out to his painting class in Sweden and also adds some days of vacation to this trip. From early August on Roman is doing blogging-holiday. Estimated time to be back is end of August or early September as soon as he returns home from the NOVA OPEN 2016.

If you want to keep track with an overview on what has happened so far in MV's year of the painter 2
please check this link!
You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.

SBS - Spartan Warrior
A step by step by Roman. Roman will talk you through this comission work of his. How all started, the plans, the communication with the comissioner and insight into the paintjob. Not a cute hobbit on his walk through a peaceful forest.

SBS - Find your way
A step by step by Roman. By voting this Roman takes you on an insight ride through his work and thoughts on this bust by Midnight Miniature. A cute hobbit on his walk through a peaceful forest.
 Happy Voting!


    Or at least it should be...

  2. Spartan warrior!!!!

  3. Show us the madness, show us Sparta :)

  4. Cheering for the underdog, Find your way, please. 😊
