18 July 2016

Mu 83 - Guild Ball, Hunter's Guild

Aloa Jungle people, 
today it is time for another review on MV. 
This is review #83 
- if you are interested in getting to know more products we regularly use, check the overview on the Miniatures/Material Unpacked, in short MU.

Today we will have a look on a very popular tabletop game called  
Guild Ball by Steamforged Games and some of its models. 

Recently the jungle of MV is in Guild Ball fever and all of the studio monkeys are preparing their teams to play some games. You can expect some more reviews and painting articles on some Guild Ball Teams in the future.

Roman decided to play the Hunter's Guild and will now show you the models and some early progress on painting up the team. We hope you enjoy.


Mu 83 - Guild Ball, Hunter's Guild
Roman decided to get hold of the full team.
The Hunter's Guild Starter Set comes with 6 miniatures and additional stuff. 
Roman also decided to get his hands on the two additional models that are available.
Models are in 32 mm scale and already the box with the artwork rocks, it draws you into a vision of your team. 

Lovely artwork.

All the miniatures from this box and their individual parts.

All models got their special ability cards that you need for playing. Again, beautiful artwork that will follow you through your Guild Ball gaming experience.

Roman loves the logo of the Hunter's Guild.

So inspiring for painting.

Allright, let's look at the quality of the models. The models arrive in white metal. Not the hardest white metal, but also not the softest. They are also available in resin though. You decide what you pick.

The look of the models is a little bit comic-like, but it fits so well to their characters.

Roman picked the Hunter's Guild big guy, called "Hearne" to have a closer look on the casting quality.

Well, they do have some common mould lines.
Not a big deal if you are prepared with a sharp hobby blade and sanding paper.

The level of detail is really good, in fact there is a lot of stuff going on and if you put attention to it all the models will look really gorgeous.

'Theron", the guy with the big bow.
As you can see all models arrive with a white metal bar on their feet that you can easily use to glue to their delivered plastic bases to have them stand firm. Dirty Roman fingernails, uouaggh! (from working in the studio all the time, sorryio for this).

As gaming miniatures are touched during a game it was important to check how well the additional weaponry and arms fit to the bodies. Pinning was an option, but as all the models are well prepared like this, all was good - easy assemble, good fit:

Roman did the preps rather quick to have his team ready for playing hopefully soon.

Traps. Hunter's use traps, this will be fun.
Now to use some soil and some small stones to make the bases fit together.

Soil glued.
Roman now needs to think about building a goal too. Luckily he found this piece on a bottle of whisky. Funny coincidence.

Well, in full Hunter's mode Roman is inspired, one of his cats, Keiko shocked about this idea of a Hunter's Guild Goal. Kinda too big (thanks Andi & Hanna!!) - check Roman's Instagram account for such funny photos and regular updates on his Work in Progress.

 Roman is not wasting any time and pfft! pfft! green some of they are already.

Grizz and Egret finished
Painting spirits are high and so two models of Roman's team already are done and ready for the gaming table. First the big bear, who has such a lovely, dynamic pose. Her name is "Sheena", but Roman will call his "Grizz":

The next finished model is "Egret".
This is a screenshot of Steamforged Website and the Artwork of Egret. So, so cool and inspiring:

She reminded Roman on Disney's Merida and definatly she had to become a redhead:
Well, two done for the team. Simple and quick paintjobs for the gaming table, but lots of fun for Roman doing them. Let's keep them coming to be ready for playing soon!



Well, Guild Ball seems to be quite the game. Raffa already played it with our MV friend Mike and that is how we all got infected. What we have learned so far is that the game support, the webpage, the shop and everything surrounding the game is so well done and comfortable for the customers to say it is a great joy to start the game.

The models have a unique touch to them and different guilds are lovely in their different appearences. The sculpts serve a lot of painting joy too. We can not wait to actually play that game soon.

We hope you enjoyed the review!
Happy Hunting!


  1. "Medved" is amazing!
    P.S. Rush B ))))

  2. Wow, great minis but a much greater paintjob! Love the blood splatter on the face of the bear. Makes him much more aggressive. :-) Can't wait to see the whole warband.

  3. "Simple and quick paintjobs for the gaming table". Roman, you make me sad :(

  4. Out of curiosity, do you varnish your gaming models? Thanks.

  5. Nate, yes. We use AK interactive Ultra Matte Varnis via Airbrush.

  6. Will we get to see the rest of the team (please?)

  7. @James
    Roman: Yes of course, I am close to finish number three. Sorry I am a slow painter ;)
