03 May 2016

MV's Mad Max Car Contest 2 is over!!



The MV's Mad Max Car Contest - Issue 2 is over.
Many have followed the path of the V8 and praised their engines to one day be in Valhall.

We recieved 31 confirmed entries and will show them to you soon enough!
Thanks to everyone who heard the call. With your help we recieved two more entries compared to the first issue. That means something we'd say in a contest with such a time-consuming topic!
To everyone who entered, we can say so far you all are mediocre!! 
We know more as soon as we start the gallery!

Right now behind the curtains we sort everything for a smooth presentation and will start with showing you the entries next week! Stay tuned and soon we can witness!!



  1. Oh fuck! I missed deadline...can I still submit??? Plead?

  2. We did not put many rules on this contest. Only a deadline and we even enhanced the time frame for it. Well, sorry, no, but you can still sent your entry. We can show it, but it is not in the contest as you missed the deadline.

  3. We are a little sad to be so harsh, Tim. But rules are rules in this case. Dayumn!

  4. Ughhhh.... was still working on it. This night. Missed it...... better luck next time. My apocalyptic fish and chips foodtruck will have to drive past this festival for now :(

  5. Ughhhh.... was still working on it. This night. Missed it...... better luck next time. My apocalyptic fish and chips foodtruck will have to drive past this festival for now :(

  6. sry habs auch nicht geschaft (gesundheits bedingt) beim nächsten mal dann ;)

  7. Haha everyone is mediocre? They must not be impressed with the submissions!

  8. No problem at all. You will eventually judge my submissions at the NOVA open anyway so...get ready for that. :)

  9. Your mailbox is over quota, I tried to send you email...

  10. I got mine ready couple of weeks ago, but I only now got it photographed and uploaded the pics to here: https://www.scalemates.com/profiles/mate.php?id=12551&p=projects
