17 May 2016

Mad Max Car Contest 2 - Showcase Gallery

Road Warriors! Attention!

Following you can find the full gallery of all entries of MV's MAD MAX CAR CONTEST - Issue 2.
We want to thank everyone for taking part with their great entries. It is a true joy to see your creativity, endurance and praise for the V8. Well done, Road Warriors, you all are already winners for taking part and creating such cool cars!

Winners will be announced seperatly in the future. Stay tuned.
You can find this gallery linked up to the event reports of Massive Voodoo.

MV-MMCC2-Entry #01:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #02:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #03:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #04:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #05:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #06:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #07:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #08:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #09:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #10:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #11:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #12:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #13:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #14:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #15:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #16:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #17:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #18:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #19:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #20:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #21:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #22:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #23:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #24:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #25:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #26:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #27:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #28:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #29:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #30:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #31:

MV-MMCC2-Entry #32:

Wonderful entries! Thanks to everyone for taking part in this contest with so much heart and soul!


  1. Some are really cool. Such a shame there can be just one 1st; 2nf and 3rd place.

  2. Woa. They are all so good. I think my Entry will go last Place.

  3. What a great competition all entries are so unique and inspiring. Thanks a lot Massive Voodoo Crew!
