01 March 2016

Tutorial Voting: Space Marines are garbage?

Hello Jungle painters,

Tuesday again and time for tutorial voting via MV's year of the painter 2.
If you want to keep track with an overview on what has happened so far 
please check this link!

Support MV!
If you like to support the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale.


Step by Step: Imperial Fist Space Marine
Roman recently painted up a Space Marine and he did also write a full spectrum step by step to it.
This comes helpful to those who are interested in good plastic miniature preps, small conversions, starting the work with the use of the airbrush and how to push on with the brush.

Equipment - best workspace garbage ever!
You all might have seen the big MV Studio Table we build last year. Now it is time to place the best workspace garbage ever to it. Fun for all painters who sit around the table. You want to know more? Then vote for it!

Happy Voting! 
Frankly: Go for the Workspace Garbage or it will always be shown here and might stop you all from seeing new stuff!


  1. Garbage, just to get rid of it

  2. Space Marine, please!

  3. It's not so easy but... Space Marine, please!

  4. Sorry but... Imperial Fist :D.

  5. Sometime in the future there wil be the post about garbage :D
    I want Garbage!

  6. Step by Step: Imperial Fist Space Marine

  7. Marine obviously :)

  8. Garbage - it not be the tutorial we want, but it's the tutorial we need!

  9. lets get rid of the garbage eh! ;)

  10. Step by step to the spacemarine,pleace!

  11. Space, Space, Space Marine!!

  12. PS: Weekly Tutorial will appear on the massive blog this Friday!

  13. How long will this Vote be up?
    If it is still open: SPEHS MEWEEEEN!

  14. The weekly tutorial voting starts tuesday and lasts until Thursday. So the article is already up! Check the main page.
