26 January 2016

Tutorial Voting: 500 Zombies and lady again!

Hello Jungle painters,

it's Tuesday and time again for tutorial voting via MV's year of the painter 2.
If you want to keep track with an overview on what has happened so far, please check this link!

You want to support us?
If you like to support the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale.

What is Tutorial Voting?
2016 will bring you excitment every tuesday via Tutorial Voting and knowledge and wisdom every Thursday/Friday via the article you ladies and gentlemen voted. Your vote counts and can make the difference!

Rules of Tutorial Voting are simple:
Post your choice, your vote under this posting and we count on Thursday/Friday before the article appears. One person, one vote. Your vote counts! Bring 'em in! Of course you can write why you want to see an article so bad or why not or what you expect of an article or what you wish for next year's Christmas and so on ...

Community Project / SBS - Big MV Zombie-Project
Roman and Bene of the MV-Team are creating a massive diorama with over 500 Zombies over the next two years. If you want to learn more about their plans, how to start such a project, how do organise such a project, learn to create a project plan and see the first behind the scenes vote for this article. Included in this is also the announcement of including the MV community of readers and painters: In fact you!

Step by Step - Boudica
Roman takes you on a ride through his work on this bust by Origen Art.
This article is about his thoughts while painting from the early start, techniques through the painting process, how to catch athmosphere and how to catch a moment.

Happy Voting!


  1. Shit, I want both... grrr... Zombie Project

  2. community project !!! can't wait to see this huge diorama

  3. I don't care one bit for zombies but community project sounds tempting, even though my professional occupation as project manager should make sure that your tips about creating a project plan should be (for me personal) a repeat.
    So sorry zombiefans.....Give me the lady in blue: Boudica!

  4. I'm all for the community: Zombies, please!

  5. Maybe if they were 500 hundred lady zombies...

    For now they should wait, let's see Boudica!

  6. Boudica - waiting for here since the first voting.

    Zombies can wait - they´re dead anyway.

  7. Zombies (I really want to see Boudica but it is kinda funny that it is not chosen so I am going to keep it that way!)

  8. Gotta say I'm interested in what you guys do with 500 Zombies :)

  9. Boudica bitte. Vor Zombies gruselt´s mich.

  10. Boudica simply because I'm sick of seeing her :P

  11. Boudica. Because she's incredibly awesome.

  12. Zombies, pretty please

  13. Tough choice, I'll choose #01 because I'd like to know why they are yellow.

    I'm very interested in the other, because the paint job is A-WE-SO-ME! Don't worry, I'm not going to post a second comment to vote the other one ;-)
