13 January 2016

Brognir Stonebridge

Hey Jungle,

I do enjoy painting a lot recently.
I found spirit again and brush is dancing to wild tunes.
Why? I guess because I do not care anymore. Once in a while every painter cares too much on what others might think of their work, what they think about their style, what they think about their progress and their habits. Once in a while everyone cares about this and in these days you start to think too much about what you are doing. That's a blockade and I razed it for me.

No need to care too much. Painting has his own flow and if I let it flow I enjoy my painting time the most.

With this flow I finished another model. 
This time a tiny bust, sculpted by master Raul Garcia Latorre. A joy to paint. Bust is ~36 mm high and by the company Mproyec. The casts are always limited and if you enjoy Brognir too - there are only 32 left. 

Brognir Stonebridge
A cool character for whom I did not quite find a story yet. Raffa always said he is reminded of a trader, an ugly unfair trader guy who you do not want to mess with. I was not convinced. For me he was just that guy, that Brognir. Filled with illuminated rage. I got a friend who always seems angry with the world, but in fact he ain't. I recently asked him why he always seems that way and his answer after he gave it some thoughts was that it is not anger on the world. He said it is illuminated inner rage. Brognir looks the same. Hope you like my version ...

Brognir Stonebridge
Mproyec, 36 mm

If you want to see more photos of my version please check my Putty&Paint gallery.

What character do you see in the sculpt of Brognir?
Just had an idea, he could be a great Blood Bowl coach, eh? Oh my god, no I got all these ideas, oh no ... ahhh my brain, damn!

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes,


  1. Got to love those "brain" moments. Always happen at the wrong time too. On the bus, in a meeting at work, when the other half is trying for a serious discussion ;)

  2. Got to love this guy. For me he is an old innkeeper who has a lot to tell, but it is not nice.

  3. To me he looks like a butcher, spends his day chopping up dead cows and pigs and grumbling to his customers. Great skin tones, love the tattoo too. Tattoo too, sounds weird.

  4. Tavern bouncer ;) Establishment is closed for a private gathering and this is his "you're not welcome here" look.

  5. Yeah, now the rain of ideas and stories falls ... too late for this buddy, but thanks for your comments. Happy that you like him and see so much in him ...

  6. Very nice Roman. What's the inspiration behind the Tattoo design?

  7. I painted mine back in Dec, and he just reminds me of a henchman that's bit disgruntled of his job.

  8. Actually there is no true inspiration, I just painted it without thinking too deep. Aren't henchman always disgruntled of their job? :D
