03 December 2015

Imperial Titan Captain

Hello Guys and Girls,

do you remember? Do you remember me?
Well, I hope so. If not or if you are new to MV:
Bene is writing this post and I am in need to catch up with some stuff from the past.

Today I want to present you a miniature I painted up on commission a while ago.

It is the Titan Captain from Forgeworld, if I´m not wrong. I´m not really into that GW Stuff anymore, so I´m not sure. But I´m quite sure, that it was a limited miniature.

If you are interested in giving me a commission, feel free to contact me via mail to:

bene (at) massivevoodoo (dot) com

That shall it be for now. Enjoy your day!



  1. Nice work!
    It's a Titan Princeps :)

  2. Thank you for the praise and the information about the miniature :).
    I think captain still wasn´t too wrong?
