20 November 2015

Hayden, Female Troll Slayer

"She went after the Troll for several days now. 
Little encounters here and there and still 
the Troll will not give up the fight. 
So she is hunting him to kill that beast or die trying. 

I love Hasslefree's! 
If you want to see a step by step on the base build up here you go.  The lighter is just for size comparison. You also find a photo of my cabinet with Hayden in the lower middle. Also for size comparison.

Hayden, Female Troll Slayer
Hasslefree, 28 mm

For more photos of her visit Putty&Paint or CMON.

I did find some WIP photos too and I like to show them. There is no further explanation to the work on her. Was just not the right model and time to write an article about.

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. may I ask why is Boudica's skin green?
    is it just underpainting to have some cold tones in the skin or something else?

  2. Roman answering: Sure you may ask. Always ask. If you do not ask you will not recieve answers. I am not sure if the answer you recieve now will make you happy. Her Skin looks so greenish because I primed the whole model first in complete green. I call this my athmosphere color. Then I used the airbrush for some skintone on top of the green. Of course it will not be green skin in the end. I sometimes start with orange, blues, reds, purples ... depends on my mood, on the colors available and the direction I want to go in the model. Green is rather neutral instead of cold. Cold is blue and warm is red and yellow. Neutral is green and purple, but all colors can be made cold or warm by adding a specific amount of blue, yellow or red.

  3. I will write an article about Boudicca I guess. I am doing a lot of step by step photos and might be able to write one.

  4. Thanks for the answer.
    So it is something I suspected, but couldn't even phrase correctly.

  5. Right, it is truely hard to phrase such. I am not sure if I find right words in the article for it. I am also explaining (or trying to) these effects and how you can paint them on my upcoming Advanced Class ... we'll see if this will be easy for the students to understand ...
