24 November 2015

Graz calling!

Massive Voodoo Workshop News ahead! 
First of MV's Jar's Advanced class takes place in Graz, Austria.
If you want to take part and want to have more information on it check the following link:

[12.02.2016 - 14.02.2016] Graz, Austria
german language class, with a little austrian accent

Roman's fourth MV's Jar's Basing class is a test to see if it is possible to have this class going on tour.
It takes place in Graz, Austria.  

If you want to take part and want to have more information on it check the following link:

[05.02.2016 - 07.02.2016] Graz, Austria
german language class, with a little austrian accent

Graz calling,
do you answer?

Check MV's Class Roadmap for 2016!

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