30 October 2015

New to Miniature Painting? Learn how to paint your first miniature!

Hey Jungle people,

another Massive Voodoo TV Update 
just happened for your weekend entertainment!

MV Core Painting Techniques start from the roots, from where every painter one day started:
Painting up your first miniature, ever!

In this video we will explain to you to find maximum fun and painting joy while painting up your first miniature, ever! For a boardgame, for roleplaying, like Dungeons and Dragons or just for the fun of it! In future videos we will bring you new ideas, techniques and inspiration how you can improve your painting skills. If you want to follow us on this journey sign up to your MV youtube channel!

Important: We never mean any offence/disrespect/joking on anyone enjoying miniature painting by starting so basic in this tutorial. We want to spread the joy about miniature painting beyond well known horizons and a journey has to start somewhere :)

Enjoy the video and let's start your own journey - we can only show you directions, you have to find your own paths through the jungle! Ough! Ough!

And beware of the Zombies - always be prepared!

Keep on happy painting!
Your MV-Team


  1. Great Video! Hobby line acrylics, great to see them being used..I use them all the time, cheap but very good paints...I add a bit of washing up liquid and they work really well.

  2. We like them too! They are pretty good paints for a fair amount of money.
