02 October 2015

MV Studio Renovation - Progress

Hey Jungle Painters,

we are still in the thick of our studio renovation, but we slowly see the light at the end of the tunnel. Slowly. We estimated 10 days for creating the new place, here you can find a report on the first days and here is a little actual progress for you to follow:

Day 6


 on purpose ...

 The start of the massive table ...

Day 7

The cabinets are cleaned and filled again ...

One of the bookshelfs ...

The table stands proud ...

Day 8

Electricity work under the table ... 

Painting table for 6 Jungle painters ... see the frame on top? 
This will be for lamps!

Electricity for the upper lamps will come out of the sky!

So far.
Soon, we hope to have everything ready and finally paint again!
Stay tuned!

Best Wishes,
Your MV-Team


  1. Looks epic! Keep that momentum up :)

  2. wow dudes!!!! monkey power all over!!! it's looking voodoolicious all over!!! can't wait to see it finished and maybe visit you guys someday. Strength for the final days of renovation!!!!
