29 July 2015


Hello Jungle Painters,

it is about time.

Today we present to you the winners of the most massive, most bananalicious and biggest online miniature painting contest there ever was so far. It was an amazing contest with 290 entries by 202 participants and we want to thank everyone who took part in it. It amazed us how many people got motivated to enter the contest! We want to thank you all from deep in our hearts!

Again we want to show you the galleries of all the entries:
Sculpting Category
Army Category
Special: Base
Diorama, part 1
Diorama, part 2
Historical Standard
Historical Master
Fantasy Standard, part 1
Fantasy Standard, part 2
Fantasy Standard, part 3

Fantasy Master, part 1 
Fantasy Master, part 2

Judging a contest which only offers gold, silver and bronze in each category was not easy and we finished it with all our heart, endurance and passion. In fact everyone of you who entered his/her miniatures he/she painted with all their passion deserve a medal. You are all bananalicious winners and heroes.

Raffa and Roman really had a though job to do. 
That is why it took us so long. We had many discussions, many relooks and revisits into the galleries. First on our own, then together as a judging team. We took our time, many decision were very close and in the end we came to our decisions. It is always hard to judge an online competition as you are judging photos. You can not take the miniatures in hand to turn them and look at them in different angles as you can do on a real live event. We had to judge the photos you all sent to us and we really worked hard to come to our decision.

We hope no one is angry with our judging work, as said with so many entries it is truely hard as so many of you entered wonderful miniature work. Sadly we are not able to give all of you feedback on your individual entries as the contest already kept us busy over the last half year and we are also happy to look forward to new events and crazy competitions for you all. We hope for your understanding. Big thanks to Cedric for his nice email yesterday night:

"Aloa Monkeys men, 
Judging is over, medals are on the way (almost)... I just wanted to support you for the next few hours. Really no matter if I win something or not, you've all my respect for your "coolness" attitude and contest. 

Cheers, Ced"

Did you enjoy the Bananalicious 2?
If you enjoyed the contest and all the work we did put in it to present all of it to you, please consider a jungle donation for all the cups of coffee we drank during these bananalicious times. If you enjoyed the contest, give us feedback via comments. If you enjoyed the contest, make ready for the next round of the BANANALICIOUS 3, coming in 2017.

If you are a winner, please ...
Sent us your postal adress via mv(at)massivevoodoo.com

And now to the winners! 
Big applause and congratulations to you! 

The Sculpting Category was packed with 29 entries and we enjoyed everyone of them. While we judged we aimed for the following criteria: Quality of the sculpting work, detail of the sculpting work, character + personality in your sculpt and quality of the photos you sent to us.

Gold Medal
Participant: Jae Chi Lee
Title: Dark Elf War Painter

Silver Medal
Participant: William Tsang
Title: Yim Kei

Bronze Medal
Participant: Patxi Dufur
Title: Unknown

31 entries arrived in this new bananlicious Army category and we are always amazed by how much love people do put in their armies. Decisions were not easy again and while we judged we aimed for the following criteria: Painting quality overall, presentation of the army, theme of the army, basework of the army and the quality of the photos you did sent to us.

Gold Medal
Participant: Brandon Palmer

Silver Medal
Participant: Nadia "River" Reka


Bronze Medal
Participant: Anthony Wang

The special:Base category was packed with 35 entries of pure miniature base awesomenes. Judging was tough again as there were so many beautiful bases but while judging we aimed for the following criteria: Quality of the base build up, complexity, creativity, composition of the base, paintjob of the base, athmosphere of the base and the quality of the photos you sent to us.

Gold Medal
Participant: Sergei Gusev

Silver Medal
Participant: Christoph  Blumenthal

Bronze Medal
Sebastian Gröger

Another big category was the diorama category part 1 and diorama category part 2 with 41 entries overall. While we judged this category we aimed for the following criteria: Complexity of the story that is told in the diorama, ambience of the whole piece, level of detail, paintjob of the whole diorama, quality of the build up, composition of the diorama and the quality of the photos you did sent to us.

Gold Medal
Participant: Corné van Delen

Silver Medal
Participant: Sergio Torregimeno

Bronze Medal 
Participant: Dirk Seidel

Judging this category was - compared to the others - rather easy as there weren't as many entries as in some other categories. That's what we thought. In the end it was also really though as you entered really cool 14 entries overall in historical standard. While judging we aimed for the following criteria: Overall impression of your display and its presentation, overall quality of all paintjobs in your display, uniform quality of your paintjobs, basework if present and quality of your photos you did sent to us.

Gold Medal
Participant: David Geißer

Silver Medal
Participant: Sergio Duran

Bronze Medal
Participant: Jorge Glez

Master Categories are always a pain in the a$$ to judge them as the quality of the entries is so good. It was no different this time and we had some serious judging work to do while finding the winners of this category with 12 entries. While judging we aimed for the following criteria: Overall impression of your display and its presentation, overall quality of all paintjobs in your display, uniform quality of your paintjobs, basework if present and quality of your photos you did sent to us.

Gold Medal
Participant: David Powell

Silver Medal
Participant: Lukas Wiggering

Bronze Medal
Participant: Juan Manuel Tena

The biggest category in this contest with 89 entries. Wow! This was totally mad to judge, but after some time we found what we were searching for. So many cool entries, part 1, part 2 and part 3.
While judging we aimed for the following criteria: Overall impression of your display and its presentation, overall quality of all paintjobs in your display, uniform quality of your paintjobs, basework if present and quality of your photos you did sent to us.

Gold Medal
Participant: Lorenzo Sasso

Silver Medal
Participant: Carlos Vidal

Bronze Medal
Participant: Jorge Glez

This was by far the thoughest category to judge as with 40 high class fantasy master entries it took us some time to judge properly. Part 1 and part 2 of the category can be found here.
While judging we aimed for the following criteria: Overall impression of your display and its presentation, overall quality of all paintjobs in your display, uniform quality of your paintjobs, basework if present and quality of your photos you did sent to us.

Gold Medal
Participant: Nadia "River" Reka


Silver Medal
Participant: Matt diPietro

Bronze Medal
Participant: Daniel Liefer

Judging this category was definatly awful for us as judges. Your all entries were just too beautiful. We gave our best and made our decision. It was really close to some other entries as it was in every other category, but no other category made us sweat like this one. This is why we decided to name three honorable mentions which were long time in our talks:

Participant: Diana

Participant: Juan Tena

Participant: Lukas Wiggering

You can check back with the best of prizes here!
Best of Show
 Wins the Massive Voodoo brush box and a special unique bananalicious medal!

Participant: Nadia "River" Reka

Best of Base
Wins many great wood pieces to build more awesome bases!

Participant: Sergei Gusev

Best of Sculpting
Wins tons of BeesPutty and Masters of Anatomy book!

Participant: Jae Chi Lee

Best of Standard Categories
Wins the Painting Buddha special prize!

Participant: David Geißer

Best of Master Categories
Wins Figure Painter Magazine special prize!

Participant: Nadia "River" Reka

That's it! Wow! What a massive post, what a massive contest it was. Again we want to thank everyone of you Jungle Painters outthere for showing your skill, your bravery to enter and your joy in miniature painting. 

Congratulations to everyone!

If you are a winner, please ...
Sent us your postal adress via mv(at)massivevoodoo.com,
we will also inform you about best of prizes in the mail.

Please consider that we are celebrating a wedding this Friday and will not be able to respond to you before next Monday! Thank you all for your patience!




H. M. (friendly Jungle Painter)

... to be continued!


  1. Congratulations to all the winners and the MV crew for one hell of a competition.

  2. Grats to all winners and big big thanks for MV for this unbelievable competition.

  3. Congratulations to all of the winners and to all others who joined the contest ,so much awesome pieces to see thx for sharing your stuff!

  4. Congratulations to all winners and, of course, many thanks to the MV staff for this great contest. It must have been very hard for you but I hope you are already thinking about next year... :-D

  5. Many thanks to Raffa and Roman for having been able to organize it all. You are so cool!
    And It was very stunning to participate in such big this competition.
    So many great master works, and I very pleased that all the same has taken place) big place)) thanks at all)
    All the best!
    Sergei Gusev

  6. Congratulations to all winners and excellent job to all participants. This contest was very incredible and thank you so much to MV team for your time and effort in organizing it. I look forward to the BANANALICIOUS 3.

  7. Congrats to all the winners and thanks to Raffa and Roman for running such an awesome competition. Now you two can relax and stop arguing over photos :)

  8. congrats to all the winners and to the judges for their very hard work. I am looking forward for next edition and hopefully be able to submit some more figures than this time. But again a huge thank to both Roman and Raffa for having showed my out of contest entry.

  9. Great thanks to Roman and Raffa! I'm absolutely speechless about the results! I didn't expect it, therefore this win is so valuable to me. Several months I with my friends was looking to your fantastic event, waiting for this day! Thank you again for your hard work on this contest, for organizing and judging! It's a honor to participate in it and generally be in one hobby with you. You're the best, guys!

  10. Yeah, some really hard decisions in all cathegories.
    Every winner, and every one else aswell, can be really proud of their work.
    The guys at MV can be proud to. They did it again. The best onlinecompetion that is around!!!
    Thanks guys. On the next one i will enter, promised!

  11. A well deserved congratulations to all the winners! Big thanks to Roman, Raffa and the Voodoo crew for their tremendous judging- and organizing work. I enjoyed watching all the various, inspirational, atmospherical, funny, even sexy, works a lot. I'm looking forward to episode 3 already! ( hint intended ;)

    Grtz, Martin Vermeulen

  12. Thanks so much for organizing this contest, which became a major event in the miniature painting scene! I can't believe you have chosen my work for an honorable mention beneeth all those ingenious painters. Thanks Roman & Raffa!
