13 July 2015

Bananalicious 2 - Random Prize Pool Winners!

Hey Yo Jungle Painters, 
it is about dayumn time ...
we are closing in to finish our massive Bananalicious 2 Contest.
You can find all actual information, see all entries and more in the recent Newsflash.
While judging work is done behind the curtains of the jungle, we can present to you the lucky winners of the random prize pool lottery.

Please check back with the lottery prizes here!

How did the MV-Team find out the winners? 
Well, Roman sat down and wrote a list of all 202 participants in excel. Now he uses random.org to go for each random prize and find a lucky number and winner.

What should you do if you are a lucky winner?
Please write your postal adress to: mv (at) massivevoodoo.com
We will not ship until judging is done as you might recieve a medal or one of the best-of-prizes too and as we are organisation talents we will ship it all together.

Random Prize #01: Robert Dannies (adress recieved)
Random Prize #02: Helge Wilhelm Dahl (adress recieved)
Random Prize #03: Richard Cordeiro (adress recieved)
Random Prize #04: Markus Hedelin (adress recieved)
Random Prize #05: Valerio Palma (adress recieved)
Random Prize #06: Antoine Wilmot (adress recieved)
Random Prize #07: Luca Gervasoni (adress recieved)
Random Prize #08: Gert d'Hollander
Random Prize #09: Juan Tena (adress recieved)
Random Prize #10: Michael Gerhardt (adress recieved)
Random Prize #11: Rui Nascimento
Random Prize #12: Martin Skorepa (adress recieved)
Random Prize #13: Michael Jänicke (adress recieved)
Random Prize #14: Jan Claas-Meyer (adress recieved)
Random Prize #15: Michael Kube (adress recieved)
Random Prize #16: Luca Riva (adress recieved)
Random Prize #17: Jack Crowe (adress recieved)
Random Prize #18: Steve Haydon (adress recieved)
Random Prize #19: Patrick Kaiser
Random Prize #20: Patxi Dufur (adress recieved)
Random Prize #21: David Powel (adress recieved)
Random Prize #22: Jorge Glez (adress recieved)
Random Prize #23: Melanie Drews (adress recieved)
Random Prize #24: Mr White (adress recieved)
Random Prize #25: Matt diPietro (adress recieved)
Random Prize #26: Jens Rosenbaum (adress recieved)
Random Prize #27: Paul Gaghran
Random Prize #28: Adrian Tyrakowski (adress recieved)
Random Prize #29: Kenan Sahin (adress recieved)
Random Prize #30: José Eliseo Lorenzo (adress recieved)
Random Prize #31: Peter Scholtes (adress recieved)
Random Prize #32: Jesús Casa (adress recieved)
Random Prize #33: Kai Busse (adress recieved)
Random Prize #34: Cédric Bataille(adress recieved)
Random Prize #35: Danick Mailhot (adress recieved)
Random Prize #36: Amelie Pössel (adress recieved)
Random Prize #37: Karitas (adress recieved)
Random Prize #38: Morpheus(adress recieved)
Random Prize #39: Cyrille (adress recieved)
Random Prize #40: John Keys
Random Prize #41: Maartje Giesbers (adress recieved)
Random Prize #42: Aythami Alonso Torrent (adress recieved)
Random Prize #43: Fabio Bonini (adress recieved)
Random Prize #44: Sebastian Reschke (adress recieved)
Random Prize #45: Ocarina (adress recieved)

Please check back with the lottery prizes here!




H. M. (friendly Jungle Painter)

... to be continued!


  1. Too bad it was my only way to win something in this contest :)

  2. Too bad it was my only way to win something in this contest :)

  3. WOW! Thank you so much! There is no way I could afford such lovely models. Thank you!!!!

  4. Congratulations for the happy winners!

  5. I can't believe it... It's really great piece of luck. To win anything you must be lucky but to win so useful things and something that can't be bought in my country... ufff, thank you so much! Martin

  6. hmm not thing now i wait for the judging result

  7. Thanks for all the Work!

  8. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha, what a wonderful start into this week. A big thank you to the good luck fairy! A big thank you to the whole Massive Voodoo Team! And of course a big thank you to the guy who invented random.org (I love you you delightful nerd). I'm just deliriously happy at the moment!

  9. It seems I got very lucky! Thank you all for the great competition (I can't wait for the results!) and of course the prize! =D I hope you are going to make another Bananalicious contest next year!
