06 July 2015

BANANALICIOUS 2 - Entries / Fantasy Master 2/2

Hey Jungle Painters,
today we continue this bananalicious event with showing you the 12th and last round of entries to our latest contest, the Bananalicious 2. For sure we can not show you all 290 entries at once.

Please be aware of the procedure we follow for showing you the entries and be patient.
You can read everything here in the Newsflash.

What we already showed:
Sculpting Category
Army Category
Special: Base
Diorama, part 1
Diorama, part 2
Historical Standard
Historical Master
Fantasy Standard, part 1
Fantasy Standard, part 2
Fantasy Standard, part 3

Fantasy Master, part 1

Ok, let's start with more entries from the most epic and massive online contest the miniature world has ever seen. Please be aware that we can not show every photo you did sent to us. We show only one or maybe two and take the rest in credit for our judging work.

Today we will see the category: Fantasy Master, part 2/2.
40 entries to show you all over in this category, we end the category with the last 20- we hope enjoy the show and thanks to everyone who took part in our contest! The numbers written on top of the entries is not any form of order on how they placed. It is just for you and us to have a better overview:

Participant: Kurt

Participant: Lukas

Participant: Maartje

Participant: Ringil

Participant: Matt

Participant: Michael

Participant: Nadia

Participant: Nathan

Participant: Nicolas

Participant: Patrick

Participant: Peter B.

Participant: Peter S.

Participant: Pino

Participant: Ricardo

Participant: Robert

Participant: Siggi

Participant: Stephan

Participant: Thor

Participant: Thorsten

Participant: Wendy

Out of Competition 
(these were the only miniatures Marcello painted so far and with them he was not able to enter a display category as the miniatures are mixed from historical and fantasy):



H. M. (friendly Jungle Painter)


  1. You should have more medals... ;-)

  2. Haha! You poor bastards. How the hell are you gonna pick winners from all that?

  3. Absolutely amazing pieces!!! Hell select the winning...

  4. Thank you very much for showing all this amazing and inspirational work. I wish they should be printed on high quality paper and sold as a book. I know I would buy one for sure!!!


