23 June 2015

Tutorial Fails

Good Morning Jungle Painters,

todays post is about failing.

Some of you might remember 2014 being the year of the painter on MV.
Your jungle crew wrote many articles last year during the year of the painter initiative,
about 56 fresh and free tutorials and step by steps. For those of you who do not remember:

2014 - the year of the painter on MV

Well, during these months some more articles were planned, but were never finished. Even in 2015 some articles were planned, but somehow exhaustion took over and not many articles made it to the blog thus far.

Following comes an overview on those, with little explanation what they might have aimed for and why they failed:

Fail #01
While Roman was working on the Cosmonaut in 32 mm he planned to write a step by step, but failed because of the lack of energies. In this article he wanted to show how he prepared little satelites and how he painted the project. Failed.

Fail #02
With this article Roman had in mind to explain how cool it is to work with bark from a tree for your bases. Failed, because of lack of energies. Bananalicious organisation took over!

Fail #03
Roman planned a step by step article on his comission of a Predator jumping through the jungle. Failed, because he missed to take important photos. Fail.

Fail #04
Roman planned to write a full step by step of his latest Roman Signifer bust, but went totally crazy with colours, forget to take photos of all steps and called it done before he was able to think of the article again. Fail.

Fail #05
Another Predator was main actor in this planned but failed article. Roman wanted to explain his experience of combining acrylic colours and high pigmented water colours. He failed because he learned much in this one, but wasn't able to explain it as he was collecting first time experience on his own. Fail.

Fail #06
Roman wanted to write a big article about the beautiful variety skintones, he is collecting many heads ever since, but wasn't able to start the article yet, even he talked about it in the past. Fail!

Why writing about these fails?
Well, easy answer. It helps Roman to put them away, out of his mind. Hopefully making room for new ones. Failing is not bad, it is a step that leads to growing stronger.

As MV went a little quiet this year about tutorials and articles Roman's hope is to find time to work on further articles when the Bananalicious Contest 2 is over and finished. You can not imagine how much work it is to finish a contest with 290 entries and 60+ random prizes.

If you miss to read brand new articles, be sure you have read all the others thus far!
Check Massive Voodoo's article section to get inspired!

So far, keep on happy painting everyone!


  1. Sometimes things go wrong, we know about it. But even so, there is a huge amount of interesting articles, and will certainly be plenty of new ones. Really unfortunate woman astronaut ... But hey, do not stay in the past, hurray for tomorrow :-)

  2. Hi!
    Hmmm..... ob eine öffentliche Bloßstellung des Versagens wirklich hilfreich ist....
    Ich hatte beim Lesen des Artikels nur mit jedem Abschnitt mehr Mitleid mit Roman ob des auf ihm lastenden (realen?, eingebildeten? und/oder selbstverursachten? Schaffens-, Leistungs- und dadurch auch Leidensdrucks) und stetig steigende Verärgerung auf den Autor. Und stets die Hoffnung, weil ich die Seite ja schon lange verfolge, dass es doch noch eine positive Auflösung gibt. Soll wohl auch eine sein aber ist für mich schwer nachvollziehbar. Wenn mir jemand dreimal in die Eier tritt fang ich doch beim vierten mal auch nicht an zu lachen, nur weil ich denke - hey, danach kann ich was tolles Neues machen. Aber ihr kennt euch besser und es wird wohl auch seinen Sinn haben (hoffentlich).
    Ich persönlich finde es eben wirklich schade (ungeachtet des vielleicht vorhanden therapeutischen Zwecks, der sich mir allerdings gänzlich entzieht) wenn nur das Negative hervorgehoben wird und dazu zählt, zumindest für den westlich sozialisierten Menschen, das Versagen.
    .......und wo bleibt hier das vielzitierte "...happy painting..."?
    Andererseits - während ich diese Zeilen schreibe fällt mir erst mal auf wiiiiee gering dieses Versagen im Gegensatz zu dem von Roman selbst Geschaffenen und darüber hinaus auch von ihm positiv beeinflussten ist. Roman - Hut ab!!!!!
    Vielleicht hab ichs eben erst kapiert.....??? Hmmmm...keine Ahnung.

    Die Ideen zu Fail 1, 2, 5 und 6 müssen doch auch nicht tot sein. Sie können doch, ggf. auch in anderem Kontext, noch das Licht der Welt erblicken. Mich (und wahrscheinlich viele andere auch) würds freuen. Sind tolle Ideen dabei!
    Is jetzt doch viel Text geworden. Ich hoffe ich habe niemandem (besonders nicht dem Autor) auf die Füße getreten (war nicht meine Absicht!!!) - er wird sich schon was dabei gedacht haben.
    Ach so - sorry - der Kommentar war zu emotional für schlechtes Englisch... ;o)

  3. @Anonymous:
    Do not worry too much. Roman writing here. This post is not about the failure or bad feelings. It is just to get those off my list :)

  4. And for each one that failed, others succeeded and gave us great content.

  5. "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."
    - Scott Adams


    "You know nothing, Jon Snow"

    Whatever works for ya man ;)

  6. Really!! You guys have provided a platform where miniature painters are treated to your beautiful vision of the art form, released 56 new tutorials and conducted ducted a contest, which allowed me, the opportunity to enter an international contest for the first time ever!! No guys, YOU HAVE NOT FAILED!, you just ran out of time and energy! In my books, you guys have done nothing but succeeded.
