Hi Jungle Painters,
this is a newsflash about a cool painting class taking place in early June
- on the weekend from June 5th to June 7th. It will take place in Iserlohn, Germany - which is close to Dortmund and Düsseldorf.
The class is held by Georg Damm, a well known and highly skilled painter and in his class he is teaching you to master the art of blending, to increase your skill in brush- and color-control and additional focusing on how to paint Non-Metallic-Metall.
Georg in action
Theory parts are important!
The Workshop Miniature by Georg himself: Nurgle time!
Well, we on Massive Voodoo can only recommend the class to you. It is always a great thing to see the approach of other painters and learn their tricks and magic ways. If you are interested in this class, check the announcement here to get all information:
I live in Canada and with family and work and airfare I don't have the opportunity to travel to many classes at conventions in the US or the UK/Europe so I am always jealous of all these classes. So I primarily rely on dvds but this summer though it looks like Fernando Ruiz is coming to my city to teach a class so I signed up right away :) Always exciting to learn from others!