10 March 2015

Color Experiments - No. 1

Hello everyone,

It´s time again for me to show you a little bit of stuff I had on my workbench lately.
For this post I have chosen a bust I just grabbed out of our cabinet in the studio (actually it is a demonic bust, sculpted by our friend Stefan Niehues-Ellermann, but I´m not sure if this bust is available online), because I needed a mini to do some color experiments to calm down my brain cells after Alfonso´s great workshop, which went like a tornado through my brain.

So this is No.1 of my color experiments, a No.2 will follow soon, and maybe later some more, as you never can do enough experiments. And it´s a funny way to spend the time painting, because when I do those experiments, I don´t make myself the pressure that it has to work and that everything has to be painted super clean (well, I probably never do this, haha).
It is more about trying and testing and failing. Why? Because that´s where you get your progress from. So be brave - and if you fail at first that´s ok! Because if you recognize that something doesn´t work just stop, and think about what it is and why it doesn´t work. Then correct it and you will have learned something new.

So this bust isn´t painted really clean. But I learned a lot while painting on it. And that was my goal therefore.

Well, I hope you like the bust even it was just a learning piece for me.

Best Regards



  1. Very nice work. Maybe ... just for those sores (next to the mouth) and a blow to the chest I would opt for more contrast and perhaps other, more saturated color, but that's just personal preference. But otherwise awesome (especially if it's just experiment)

  2. Good stuff. It's fun to play. I think you learn the most by just letting go of plans and painting by instinct sometimes :)

  3. Hey Bene,
    maybe you can describe what your specific goal was in this experiment and what you learned from it. I think that it is more understandable then :)
    Thanks and greetz

  4. It really has a cartoon-feeling to it. I was searching for how to achieve that look. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it.
