11 December 2014

Tutorial Voting: Magic Tilda Fails?

Good Morning Jungle Painters,

finally there is another Tutorial Voting for you via Massive Voodoo's year of the painter.
You decide next weeks article by leaving your vote in the comment section on the blog.
The counting of the votes will be done next week Tuesday.

So - here are your three choices - as there can only be one, which one shall it be?

In this article you will see Sanne's walkthrough trhough her fourth miniature project ever: A Hasslefree beauty named Tilda. Read into the progress of the base, read about sculpting work, read about wood decals, read about tiny small beer bottles and more.

For this article vote "Tilda" in the comments!

This article is definatly something different than usual. This article will show you all the articles that did not make it into tutorial voting over the year. Why? Because they were failed to be properly document during the work in progres. Why? Find out by voting this one.

For this article vote "Fail" in the comments!

This article is about magic. You know the stuff that wizards do. From flying stones to magical summonings you will see learn how this can be created first, then painted with the right effect to look like real magic. Only for wizards, eh?

 For this article vote "magic" in the comments!

Happy voting!


  1. I want to see some failures, but...Magic.

  2. Magic looks great, so.... Magic please :D

  3. Magic, please... Pregnant Tilda maybe next time... :-D

  4. Auch wenn mich die fliegenden Steine sehr interessieren - Why macht mich zu neugierig. ;)

  5. First thought was: Sanne all the way... but the flying stones are too crazy.

    so it's magic

  6. Fail of course! Let the magic happens at new years eve;)

  7. I go for Tilda , also interest in Magic but I think it`s time for an article of Sanne .

  8. I want to say magic because she' so pretty, but I really would like to see how you guys deal with a fail. So - Fail.

  9. Fail! Let the new year start with magic.

  10. Magic!
    Without a doubt ;)
