05 December 2014

The Crusader


I started this model during the private coaching with Michael one week ago for explanation purposes. The Crusader by Nocturna Models in 54 mm. Well, after the coaching I just did small work here and there and called it done.

There is nothing better in Miniature Painting to call a project done.
Sure this one is nothing too fency by me, but hey it was done in about two days with a big amount of time spent for explanations. As soon as the review from Michael's coaching will be up it will be obvious to see which amazing steps in his painting skills he took.

The Crusader
Nocturna Models, 54 mm

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes,


  1. Lovely my friend coherent like always. The structure on it's uniform is it sculpted or did paint it ?

  2. The year of the painter flows through your veins. Thank you for sharing

  3. @Jens
    Happy that you like him. Well, the structure was painted on the sculpt of the model. I am not sure I know what exactly you are asking about. Let me know :)

    Honestly, the year of the painter is a great thing for MV readers, for MV, but at the moment I am really lacking in energies to keep it up with the forious spirit of this passed year. That is why there is no tutorial voting right now ...


  4. Hm shouldn`t write while I`m at work , I ment the downer part on the uniform these straight folds .
    And the beard on his face is it just painted or sculpted , cause I am always stuggeling with painting facial hair .

  5. The beard is roughly sculpted, then painted on top. The straight folds on the lower body are sculpted. I painted them in their individual volumes and added scratches here and there.

  6. Uncanny likeness to Liam Neeson, reminds me a lot about his character in Kingdom of Heaven.
