03 December 2014

Levon, the Firefighter

Yo Jungle Painters,

another finished miniature from my table: Levon, by Hasslefree.
A really cool model that I painted up as a survivor of the initial days of the Zombie-Apocalypse, still wearing his uniform and now fighting for survival. Lots of fun to paint as always with Hasslefree characters.

Levon, Firefighter
28 mm, Hasslefree

Hope you like him!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes,


  1. Another thing I've picked up from here. Hasselfree figures are awesome. So much character. If I ever get Zombicide I'm definitely going to garnish it with some stuff from there.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Indeed they are. I so much love their characters. And that is what I too thought while painting this guy: Zombicide.
