20 October 2014

Ultimate Paint Rack Pre-order Reminder!

Hello Jungle Painters,

while the production of the Ultimate Paint Racks and all the parts from our Indigogo Campaign runs smoothly in the background we are recieving many questions from those who have missed the campaign. Questions like: "Is it available for sale later on!" or "Where can I buy one?" ...

Well, in case you have missed the information: You can already pre-order yours!


  1. Hi guys, I just came across this tonight and think its great, however I have missed the Indigogo campaign. I tried to follow the preorder link above but after entering my email it wouldn't work as I didn't actually pledge to the project and that's the only emails that will work. So how do I get my hands on one of these bad boys? Hope you can help -Baz

  2. Hey Baz, they will be available as soon as we are done with the Campaign and Pre-Order Shippings. They will be available through our upcoming online store.

  3. Any update on where I can buy one of these?

  4. Any idea if it will be possible to buy one of these in the near future? Really want one!!!

  5. Raffa is working hard to make this happen. Please sign in to our MV newsletter to be one of the first to recieve the good news when it is ready. You can find it in the right, vertical navigation bar.

  6. Thanks for the reply - looking forward to it!
