02 October 2014

Tutorial Voting: A funky Waaagh inside a box!

Good Morning Jungle,

while we face a foggy morning today in Augsburg and can not see our own hands in front of our head Massive Voodoo's year of the painter brings you another tutorial voting - less foggy and without a fail than the last one.

Feel invited to vote your choice via comment. Which article should be up next week?
Voting lasts until Monday next week! These are today's options:

In this article you find a complete walkthrough by Roman on how he proceeded during the Project "Your Waaaghhh! ends here!" from 2012. See inside the plans of the project, the basing and painting execution and some more interesting information.

For this article vote "Waaagghhh!" in the comments!

See Roman tackling his second conversion of Forged Monkey's Jamal bust, called "Funkmaster J".
A little bit of sculpting, chains and glitter in the end. Funky, eh?

For this article vote "Funk" in the comments!

Some projects need their own transport box and Roman's "Last Light" is definatly one of that kind due its pure size. Find out how Roman build a truely sturdy transport box for this diorama and learn about the material and the steps you need to find and take.

For this article vote "Carry Box" in your comment!


  1. Waaaaaagggggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!^__^

  2. Transporting box is what I really need)

  3. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghh

  4. waaaaaaaaaggghhhh!!

  5. Carry box! Need to know how to ship these things so they arrive in one piece...

  6. @Bobby Murray
    Well, the Carry Box here is not meant for shipping models, rather for carrying them from A to B in your hand, car, plane ... if you are in need of shipping some, check this article: http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.de/2010/07/tutorial-how-to-sent-miniature.html

  7. "Waaagghhh!" in the comments!
