16 October 2014

Tutorial Voting: A funky Robot that loves to paint frogs!

Good Morning Jungle Painters,

Thursday is Tutorial Voting day and Massive Voodoo's year of the painter is proud to present you the following choices today. You decide which article will be up next week via putting your vote into the comments. Ready? These your choices today:

In this article guest author and jungle friend, Matt Di Pietro takes you on a step by step journey through his Forged Hope project "Arthur". His robot placed second in the overall Forged Hope Program and it is really a joy to see the thoughts and plans behind this Robot, who loves to paint.

For this article vote "Arthur" in the comments!

See Roman tackling his second conversion of Forged Monkey's Jamal bust, called "Funkmaster J".
A little bit of sculpting, chains and glitter in the end. Funky, eh?

For this article vote "Funk" in the comments!

This article goes back to the explanation on how Roman painted the Toadking in his project called
"Frogs X-ing". It is a deep look into the paintjob itself, no basing or other talk included.

For this article vote "Green Frog" in your comment!

Now it is your turn! 
Vote your favourite!


  1. Green Frog! Sorry Matt!

  2. Arthur because when the "painting frog "dont vote for frog i get suspicious

  3. Arthur. I like frogs, but painting robots win every time.

  4. Arthur, please. Very difficult choice!

  5. Arthur and Frog !!!
    For now prefer Arthur.

  6. Green Frog please. Doh, doh doh bya

    We All Stand Together :)

  7. Doesn't matter as it's already a landslide, but Arthur. :)

  8. Ich bin für Arthur. ;)


