15 October 2014

SMC Special Figure

"After the Scale Model Challenge is before the Scale Model Challenge."

Well, that is what the socket label of one of Roman's latest miniatures says.

We returned home monday evening from the great event that was Scale Model Challenge 2014 in Veldhoven, Netherlands. We were pretty exhausted and tired and took the whole Tuesday off, but do not get us wrong here, it was a beautiful and cool time we spent on and before and after the show. It was great to meet many painter friends there and also make new ones. There will be a bigger review about the SMC on Massive Voodoo sooner or later as many photos have to be prepared and we do not hurry in such cases. 

Well, this post is about a model that was prepared and painted before the SMC took part to say thanks to Robert Crombeecke, the main organisator behind the show who really helps Massive Voodoo to be at the SMC since three years now.

SMC serious selfie with Robert and Roman
Allright. Now to the model. Roman took a historical figure from Alpine Miniatures and placed him in the moment after the show, when every trader, every club, every painter and every visitor left the halls. Dirty floors and even some "Lost&Found" Miniatures and military vehicles. It might give the military figure a complete different look, but it was a lot of fun. Massive Voodoo was truely happy to give this gift to Robert. Let's have a look then:

"After the Scale Model Challenge is before the Scale Model Challenge."
Alpine Miniatures, Scratch-base, 1:35

Many useful things have been executed here so no need to wonder that there will be a full step by step of this piece ready in the future.

We hope you like him! 
Let us know your thoughts and keep on happy painting!


  1. A beautiful piece. Looking forward to your view of the SMC.

  2. Cool idea & a nice present! :)
