04 September 2014

Tutorial Voting: Funky Jungle Visualization?

Hello Jungle Painters,

Massive Voodoo's year of the painter brings you the next Tutorial Voting.
You decide with your comment which article will be up next week. Ready?
These are your choices for this round:

See Roman tackling his second conversion of Forged Monkey's Jamal bust, called "Funkmaster J".
A little bit of sculpting, chains and glitter in the end. Funky, eh?

For this article vote "Funk" in the comments!


This article brings you a step by step guide through Roman's project called "Her name is Hope", mainly a look at the paintwork done on Col.Straken from Games Workshop.

For this article vote "Catachan" in your comment!

A theory article, similiar to the article about painting motivation.
Roman will talk about some of his deep thoughts on how you can learn to be a better, widespread experienced miniature painter by having a close look to real life examples and going beyond: He explains how you can transfer what you see to your miniature projects. Learn about how to take yourself on a small daily journey to sharpen your eyes and learn to visualise with reason.

For this article vote "Visual" in the comments!


  1. I like the Straken mini, but turning reality into miniatures is something I really like. Been thinking about taking pictures of rust and water stains around town for reference. So, yeah, Visual.

  2. definitely Visual for me

  3. Visual please... gotta love some eye candy ;-)

  4. Visual please. A chance to peer into the mind of Roman

  5. visual....visual....visual...Katätschn...ach ne....visual!!!!

  6. Visual, please.

    One more time: Thanks

  7. Another vote for Visual, it would be very interesting to hear your take on that topic.

  8. Visual, please!

  9. This will be a very Close one , visual :)

  10. Guess I will go with the majority here... Catachan :D

  11. "Funky Visual" I need to know how to transfer the 70s disco vibe onto my miniatures.
    If not, then just visual.

  12. Visual! Without a doubt!

  13. Visual! A thousand times Visual!!!

  14. I would like to order a "Visual" please....

  15. I know this battle has already been won by 'visual' but i'd love to see the process behind how you paint dark skin.

  16. @Tim
    Right, that vote is over, but this article might already help you when it comes to dark skin:

  17. You sir are a legend! Keep doing what you're doing. You are all inspirational.
