20 August 2014

MV-Team: Max



Name: Max

Nickname: The Maxican aka Leichtmatrose (in German forums only)

Years of Painting: Restarted with miniature painting in 2008, but did a lot of military modelling as a kid and some wargaming as a teenager

Media: Acrylics and oils, also artist‘s inks and printer’s inks (for metals)

Brushes: Windsor&Newton Series 7 (standard, not miniature) and daVinci Cosmotop Spin (particularly for applying basecolours)

Airbrush: Yes, but still not too familiar with it Miniatures: Mainly historical miniatures, but I also enjoy painting fantasy miniatures

Scales: I love painting busts, but also like 54mm and 75mm

Speed: Slow as slug, i.e. only very few miniatures (0 to 2, barely more) per year Average Painting Hours per day: 0.1 to 0.2 h

Sculpting: Love it, and would love to do more (as painting if I just had the time…)

Favourite Painters: Danilo Cartacci, Diego Ruina, Francesco Farabi

Favourite Sculptors: Latorre, Andrea Jula, Allan Carrasco, Mariano Numitone, Pedro Fernandez

My name is Max aka The Maxican aka Leichtmatrose (in Germany only). I currently live in Frankfurt, working as a lawyer. Unfortunately, this does not leave me much time for painting, sculpting or all the other great aspects of our hobby. Hence, I only finish about one or two projects per year, and since I usually work on more than one project at a time (since sometimes a single project just annoys me to work on it) it sometimes takes years to finish a miniature. I don’t have a Putty and Paint account (not yet) since I don’t have good quality photos of my miniatures.
But I do like this site (unlike CMON) and if I once have good pics I will publish them a P&P.

I started show case painting (or started to aim at showcase level) in 2008 after quite a long break without having anything to do with our hobby. Soon I discovered some German forums (in particu-lar www.das-bemalforum.de) where some very talented German painters had build a virtual place for painters to develop your painting skills. Just a while later I attended my first painting class with Georg ‚GeOrc‘ Damm in Hamburg which was an eye opener at that time.

Since I have a rather technical approach to painting this was just perfect for me to understand the general secrets of light, colour and in particular blending. Since then, I have attended various painting and sculpting classes which each were just as inspiring. I recommend anyone to take the chance to visit a painting class from one of the well known painters out there.

I consider miniature painting as art, at least since the focus has shifted from pure technique to creativity. Creativity, ambience, novelty, storytelling and uniqueness are valued much higher in miniature painting today than some years ago. Traditional borders, such as borders between fantasy and historical, are fading which opens way for miniature painting to achieve a totally new level.

I envy all miniature artists, such as Jarhead, Raffa, Rusto or Kostas Kariotelis (just to name very few), for always trying something new, pushing the limits a little further and having a purely creative approach to our hobby. I am very much looking forward to their next projects …


  1. so someone so talented living so close (I live near to Frankfurt, and because of work go through every day) and I didn't know :)

  2. Nice report Max! I really hope you find some more time for painting in the future. I think it would be interesting what you could paint if you paint more often. I think you could create some awesome works. What doesn't mean that your last works aren't awesome ;) Best regards Oli

  3. @MA5X Festések: There are some other talented painters here in Frankfurt as well. I suggest you join the Bemalforum.de to get in touch. You can find me there as "leichtmatrose", so just drop me a PM there.
