17 July 2014

Tutorial Voting: Slavery on Orc Space Shuttles?

Hey Yo Jungle Painters,

it is time for another Thursday Tutorial Voting via Massive Voodoo's year of the painter.

You might think: Will this never stop? 
And the answer from the deep jungle heart is plain simple: No.

Today we bring you three articles for you to choose from.
Vote via comment below this post. One Jungle Painter, one voice. Voting lasts until Monday morning when the count is made by the ape who is responsible for counting properly. You can choose from these two articles:

In this article you will find a step by step guide on how Roman tackled Drakerys' Orc Shaman. Basing, sculpting an ear and painting included. Check Drakerys' Kickstarter, well done guys!

For this article vote "Orc" in your comment!

This article brings you a step by step. A big write up on how Roman enjoyed the conversion, sculpting and painting work on the yet unreleased Forged Monkeys' "Jamal" bust. The article shows you his approach on "Juva, 1883" and the thoughts he made while learning to paint black skin.

For this article vote "Juva" in your comment.

This is a step by step article Roman did for the latest issue of the german Tabletop magazine called Tabletop Insider. The article in the magazine was in german, with this article up for vote you have a chance to read it in english. It is about the repainting of the X-Wing game model "Imperial Shuttle".

For this article vote "X-Wing" in your comment!


  1. X-wing.. pew pew... oh and Han Shot first... ;)

  2. Red five standing by... X-Wing please

  3. Replies
    1. JUva not Java. I though about thé singer

  4. das X-Wing sehen ich will

  5. x-wing our son is a star wars fan and will love it :)
