10 July 2014

Tutorial Voting: Orcs do like Chaos, eh?

Hello Jungle Painters,

another Thursday arrives and the jungle is bouncing and another Tutorial Voting is about to drop in.
You choose via comment which article yo'd like to see early next week. One person, one comment. The final count by a monkey will be done on Monday morning when voting closes. Your choices this time are:

This step by step article is about Roman's painted Warhammer Fantasy Chaos General. All steps through the model will be explained in detail and the thoughts behind it will be revealed.

For this article vote "Chaos Lord" in your comment!

In this article you will find a step by step guide on how Roman tackled Drakerys' Orc Shaman. Basing, sculpting an ear and painting included. Check Drakerys' Kickstarter, well done guys!

For this article vote "Orc" in your comment!

Happy Voting to you
and lets see which article will make it through!


  1. Chaos, please!

    Best, D.

  2. Chaos lord please

  3. Hello I vote for the "Chaos Lord" please (even if the green skin looks great) cheers!

  4. "Chaos Lord!!!" That miniature is damn coll fella! :-)

  5. Chaos Lord please : )
