23 July 2014

MV-Team: Mati

Name: Mati Zander

Nickname: BADSMILE

Job: Art-Director at Painting Buddha, commission sculptor, daddy, -order varies

Years of sculpting: 2009~now

Media: SSf, Bees Putty, all other putties, plastic, wood, metal, fruits

Brushes: Windsor&Newton Series 7 short sable, size 1 for sculpting details

Tools: Zahle A waxcarver and mainly selfmade ones, Zbrush

Miniatures: Now we're talking! Sculpting: I do that a lot.

1 Favourite Miniature 2 Painters 3 and Sculptors: I will not pick a favourite of either category. There are too many beautiful things created by so many people out there, that it would make me feel uncomfortable if I was to pick just a few names.

Well, here we go, my name is Mati, I live in Berlin, Germany with my wonderful family. I was always interested in artsy things from playing music over painting and drawing to sculpting. I lived in spain for a few years to learn the art and craft of instrument making.

After that I came back to Germany and I started sculpting in 2009, basically by accident. It didn't take long till I decided to start a little sculpting studio and offer my services to the market. YOLO! Like the kids nowadays apparently say. ...I am getting old.

What shall I say about me? I really enjoy sculpting. Apart from it being a really intense personal experience each and every time, it also made it possible to get to know a lot of very interesting and creative people, who I would not have met if it was not for sculpting these small figures. Many of them I call friends now and I really feel I would have missed out on something would I not have met them.

Since I enjoy sculpting so much, I figured there might be others who also do and just don't know it yet. Apart from being friends with those monkey guys, this was the main reasons to join Massive Voodoo. I wanted to help the so very nice community and thought I could help out with some tutorials, answering questions and occassional musical education videos. ;)

Mati at one of his rare sculpting classes ...

One of the things I enjoy most of the community and all the beautiful work that comes out of this pool of unbelievably talented people is passion. From beginners to masters of their trade, the deep rooted and intense passion people show for their and even more the work of others is a very special thing, which I personally feel is not encouraged enough in our modern world. The dedication and efforts put into projects is something admirable and special you don't find everyday.

So from me to you, dear miniature community: Chapeau! If you have questions or need help concerning sculpting, want to commission a piece or ask me out to dinner, just drop me a line at: Mati(at)massivevoodoo(dot)com

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