02 July 2014

Forged Hope Contest Update - Trophies

We really want to push everyone to create some cool entries for the Forged Hope Program.

And what could be more motivating than a nice trophy for the first three winners?
(actually we have some things in mind, like fun, beeing creative, realizing your own ideas ... but a trophy has some nice symbolic value)

We didn't want to give out our usual Massive Voodoo medal for this contest, so Raffa has designed a very special one, just for this occasion.

This trophy was 3D printed with the help of Hatton's and Kev Welsh, the head behind Corehammer. We will receive the print soon and as soon as the trophys are completely prepared we will again show photos of the real thing.

The overall height of it will be around 10cm.

May you forge until the settlement is ready for the future!
Keep on happy forging!


  1. Glad to hear Kev could sort you out :)

  2. They are awwwsome!! would love to paint one!! (is that allowed?)

  3. Oh... would love to join the contest but sadly they are out of stock (no wonder with your prizes! ^^)...

    And I agree the trophy looks awesome! The last time I painted a miniature is... huh.... more than a decade ago but since I am following your blog my hands are itching to try it again! :)

  4. @Saraccino
    Here you find some robots left in stock:

    Follow the itchy message!

  5. These prices are awesome!
    Well done jungle team!

  6. Hope this (absolutely amazing) trophy is going to become regular for MV contests in the future.If there should be a brush in the hand... ;-)

  7. @Roman: Thanks (and followed ^^)!

  8. @Saraccino
    Yay! may the forge father guide your plans!

  9. Fast despatch and the trophies were perfect good value for money Football trophies and awards with the engraving

  10. How do I purchase one or buy the print designs?
