29 May 2014

Tutorial Voting: Orange Mohawks on Dragon Priests?

Aloa jungle painters,

it is Thursday again, that means Massive Voodoo's year of the painter brings you another tutorial voting. Let's see if the poor Dragon Priest can stand his ground if the choice is not too cool. Woot? Excuse us, both articles are cool, but now you have to make a decision again to show us which article you want  up to your jungle of happy miniature painting early next week.

This step by step through the process of Roman painting a very funny sculpt by Forged Monkey: The Lychee Priest. Roman explains his version step by step, the so called "Dragon Priest".

For this article vote "Priest" in your comment!

In this article you will find a step by step guide on how Roman approached GW's plastic dwarfen Slayer he named "Gorim", painted as a fun piece in a pretty quick way.

For this article vote "Slayer" in your comment!

You know the game, it is all up to you now!
Bring on your votes and decide next weeks article fate!


  1. give the PRIEST another chance :)

  2. hmm... choices choices... ah what the hell:
    PRIEST !

  3. Wouldn't a priest slayer be awsome!!

  4. Slayer!!! (poor priest... :D)

  5. Lets help the priest, he has my vote

  6. It's time for the poor Priest.

  7. Jesus, can we just get to the priest?! (see what i did there ;P)

  8. Some Slayer would be nice!
