17 April 2014

Tutorial Voting: What about Pirate Robots?


another Thursday in MV's year of the painter and it is time for you to vote for another article ...
hit the comments to choose what you want to read early next week.

A Painting step by step through the Tales of War's Slot Gunner Pirate bust, the one from this Miniatures Unpacked.  Have a look over Roman's shoulder and see how this tanned guy gets his sunburn. This step by step is sponsored by CoolMiniorNot

For this article vote "Pirate" in your comments.

Did you see the contest announcement "Forged Hope"?
This article is a step by step article through the preparing, basing and painting of "The First One".
Roman explains about cacti, lychees, roboter oil and desert animals ...

For this article write "robot" in the comments!

Voting lasts until next week Monday.
Now kick it, like a trash can!


  1. Pirate robots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Robot...

    I feel kinda guilty that i keep choosing everything else over that pirate... He looks awesome... But the other things keep calling to me... :(

  3. Robot!

    Poor, poor, pirate though... but he'll get his time.

  4. I feel like the pirate will not even win against an "inanimate carbon rod".
    Though I expected an easter-egg tutorial...

  5. I would like to see , working you on the robot .

  6. Robot! That if you couldn't do a piraterobot!

  7. Poor poor pirate... it is like he has lost his map to the treasure! The treasure map of making him get voted!

    And I am not helping him any by voting robot!

  8. can i have Pirate Zombie Ninja Robots please?

    and if possible riding attack badgers....

    failing that "Robot"

  9. Pirrrrrrrrrrrrrate! Arrrrrrrrrr

  10. let's give the pirate a chance.....

  11. pirates don´t wait that long for action, now it "HARR HARR TIME"

  12. Robot, please!

    Best, D.

  13. Robots offer a huge scope for creativity. I am interested in your interpretation, so I'd vote for a tutorial with robots.

  14. Roooo---ohohoh-bbbb-oooo---ttttt ^^
