03 April 2014

Tutorial Voting: The Nightwatch stands guard for yelling Pirates!

A wonderful good morning jungle,

again MV's year of the painter brings you another tutorial voting. Two articles and you choose which one will be up early next week. Voting will last until Monday next week. You choose, you read, you learn and be inspired. Choose wisely! The following two articles are up voting:

Roman shows a Painting step by step through the Tales of War's Slot Gunner Pirate bust, the one from the recent Miniatures Unpacked. This step by step is sponsored by CoolMiniorNot.

For this article vote "Pirate" in your comment.

See a walkthrough of Roman's project "The Nightwatch". Follow him through two years of motivation needed to finish it and see how the project grew to what it has become in the end:

For this article vote "Nightwatch" in your comment.

Now voting is up to you, jungle people!
Take it away!


  1. The Nightwatch...... Awesome display of skill and creative skills

  2. Oh. No doubt: Nightwatch, if you please!!!

    Best, D.

  3. Ok sorry you cool pirate but...
    Wonderful Diorama and I love the painting so this is easy for me :)

  4. 'Slot Gunner' because it will show all techniques on one miniature. Then, of course, the Nightwatch. :-D

  5. Please do Nightwatch!

  6. Pirate Capt of the Nightwatch please ;)

  7. nights watch please.

  8. Nightwatch. Only because I'm curious to see what 2 years of WIP looks like. Gonna be a looooooong post :P

  9. NightWatch please and thank you

  10. NIGHTWATCH !!! ThanK you!!
