24 April 2014

Tutorial Voting: Do Pirates fear Dragon Priests?

Good Morning,

again it is time for article voting on this beautiful thursday.
Voting lasts until next week's monday and you can decide with your comment which article will be up early next week in your daily jungle of miniature madness ... your choice now!

A Painting step by step through the Tales of War's Slot Gunner Pirate bust, the one from this Miniatures Unpacked.  Have a look over Roman's shoulder and see how this tanned guy gets his sunburn. This step by step is sponsored by CoolMiniorNot.

For this article vote "Pirate" in your comment.

In this article it's also about a bust. A very funny one to paint up by Forged Monkey: The Lychee Priest. Roman explains his version step by step, the "Dragon Priest".

For this article vote "Dragon" in your comment.

Well, hit it! :)


  1. Tough question. The Lychee Prist would be interesting, but I'll go with the Pirat, I fell sorry for him, He's waiting so long for some attantion.

  2. I've been waiting for a long time for a Pirate, but now only Priest , only hardcore ))

  3. Hm, I would like to see the original priest with the real lichi...
    Though otherwise I would give the pirate my vote, simply to get rid of him. ^^

  4. Dragon priest or pirate? Hmm... I think the pirate has been patient enough and now it is his turn.

  5. it`s time for the pirate... all guys like priates!
    the dragon priest is cool, but show us the pirate

  6. Dragon. I wanna know how patient a pirate can be ...

  7. Ok. Let's go with the Pirate this time.

    Thanks, Roman, for doing this! Best, D.

  8. Okay i think its time to vote...

  9. Pirate, where's my goram rum arrrr!

  10. Arrrrrrrr!!!!

    ....so, Pirate of course!

  11. There will be time for the pirate next week :), so please show us the priest .

  12. Pirate! My vote is a bit swayed by seeing a few wip of it in the main photo already. I also think the pirate looks cooler!

  13. Arrh! Lychees are only good for avoiding scurvy.
    Keelhaul the painted fruit, I say pirate!

  14. Pirate
    Or else we see him over years :-)
