06 March 2014

Step by Step - Tale of Revenge - by Felix


The following article is written by guest author, Felix Husemann, a good friend of the jungle people, a really nice guy and a very talented painter.

Felix is well known in the german painting community as he volunteers every year to help with the organisation stuff at the Duke of Bavaria in Ingolstadt, Germany. He also visited the jungle headquarters back in February 2013 for some painting time together. He helped organise a painting class in Soest in June 2011. So you see we got a history with this nice guy that reaches back some years and I can only speak for all who know Felix: It is always a joy to have him around even when he falls deeply in meditation when it comes to painting as he has mastered to ignore the world around him, when the brush is dancing.

I was very happy and surprised when Felix asked me if it would be possible to post a step by step of his new project and a look behind the curtains up to MV as a quest author. Surprised and happy as I know Felix's stuff is great and I would love to have some insight on his works on my own. So before I lose myself in more words I am bringing you what you voted for: Felix's ...

 "Tale of Revenge"


I´m Felix and I would like to present to you one of my projects, it´s called ‘Tale of Revenge’. But first at all, I want to say ‘thank you’ to Roman and Raffa who gave me the possibility to show it on Massive Voodoo. 

 I just started with the project in July 2013 and finished it in February 2014. Of course, this was not a full time job, so there where some breaks or paint quickies. Everything started with a movie I saw years ago. Since then the idea started to manifest in my head. But after a paint meeting with Peter and Karsten, friends of mine, who pushed me either to start the project or to pay the next diner bill, I did begin in July. It was quite hot during this time, so I was busy with the socket building in the garden instead of in my room under the roof. At first, I thought of doing several other figures, but ultimately ended up with ‘Volgor Widersacher’ (As you can see in the pictures).

When I finished building the socket and the weather was getting colder my focus was on Volgor (Ork). After doing the rough drawing lights and shadows with the airbrush I did the details with the good old brush. Afterwards, I painted the Medusa man as well as the animal. The brush was the only tool I used for the man. Between the painting sessions I dealt a bit with the modelling of the snakes and other small pieces.

 I don´t want to go into paint technic details - there are enough websites which have good painting tutorials (as massive voodoo)- but actually there is one thing I would like to say: Usually I work on single figures with a clear expenditure of time. So with the size of this project I have broken new ground. There were two times when I just thought `That’s it, stop doing this`. But because of me putting so much time into this project I just pulled myself together to finish it. This experience is worth its weight in gold because it showed me that there is always a solution. Just who makes mistakes is forced to find a solution to do it in a better way. Of course there are more things I´ve learned, but I don´t want to bore you with theory. Following you find the finished project photos ...

click to enlarge ...
or visit the project on Putty&Paint without clicking too much.

Thanks to Mareike for translating.
Keep on happy painting


  1. Awesome step-by-step, Felix! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Excellent insight into an amazing project, thanks!

  3. Very great projekt!
    Love the base, small nice details. The Chest of the Ork and the shield of the knight are my absolut favorites of your diorama.

    All in all, perfect paintjob Felix.
    And Thanks for showing to MV.

    Best regards,Michael

  4. Very cool. Really liked it, and thanks for sharing!

  5. I'm so happy :-)
    thank you thank you thank you !!!

  6. Hey Felix!
    Really cool project! I especially love the stone part of this orc, looks absolutely amazing and tells a wonderful story. I love miniatures with a story.....
    Good job!

  7. One of the best works i have ever seen.

    Absolut great !!!!
