21 March 2014

Marina, the barbarian girl


the last figure from my Hasslespree :)
During last week I painted many Hasslefree Miniatures with the goal of explaining some stuff in private coaching. I planned to do them quick and so I did. This one is no exeception, she was done quick in a couple of hours but hell she was a lot of fun. Kevin James White can really sculpt da booty :D

Marina, the barbarian girl
Hasslefree, 28 mm

Well, together with the Milf and the Goblin ...

A shot from the table of last weeks painting spree ... that was a hell of  week I would call it ...

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. You really suck showing of these minis...
    But in a good way ;)

  2. So this is a quick paintjob.... okkkk....

    How about a tutorial about how you´ve painted the skin?

    Your Zombicide tutorial really helped me a lot, thanks for that!


  3. Hard week but very nice results! All are different scenes in your one stile.
    My favorite is the figure on the lava base. The dark atmosphere by maximum kontrast,
    really great paintjob.

    Btw, your workshop in Trier was a giant step for my. I realize this on every painting step of my goblin base I'm painting at the moment. Thank you so much for this.

    Hope we meet soon at Duke of Bavaria.

    Have a great weekand and best regards,
    Michael aka Dellolyn

  4. Hey,

    a late reply is better than none, eh?
    Thanks for all your comments on Marina. Happy that you like her!

    puuhhh ... in a good way that was important to tell me :)

    Happy to be able to help with my articles and thoughts.
    A tutorial on her, on how I painted the skin would be nice indeed. Sadly I did not make any photos during the progress as she was my model during private coaching ... Already got a better idea for a useful skin tutorial ...

    @Michael Hansen
    Thanks for your kind words on both, figures and painting classes.

    I will be at the Duke, yeah, definatly ...
    looking forward to meet you there!
