09 March 2014

Kong's WIP-thoughts - March#02

Well, I won't say much on this beautiful Sunday as I am getting ready to jump the bike and enjoy this sunny day with my lady ...

I still enjoy sculpting and slowly but steady the progress goes ...

A teaster ...                                                                                                                                                                           

And readying up for private practice with a very interesting teaching goal, starting tomorrow Monday with our student David:

Keep on happy painting!


  1. Nice teaser of that rost base.
    Sculpting WiP already looks very primal...enjoy scultping along

  2. Very nice start with the sculped :-)

  3. @Fabian
    Rost base was a lot of fun ... soon update you on the rust used here, Fabian. I mean via the blog, really, really, really cool stuff coming from the UK there :)

    Thank you, Michael!
    Time will tell where this will take me ...

    BTW Congratz to your family about Markus! Enjoy being a proud dad my friend!

  4. Thank you very much :-) we are just happy end enjoy every minute of the day (..and sometimes also the night ;-) )

  5. Stay put! Stay strong! But I know you will do :)
