04 February 2014

Bag of Inspiration

Good Morning,

While Raffa and I pick up Roman from Russia today for private coaching session during the next two days, I found a little inspiration. I really enjoyed that clip as it shows how simple you can switch subjects and athmosphere. Maybe it is the same with miniature projects too?

Only sad thing is - this clip by the Sunday Times is way too short - could watch sth like it for hours!

The Sunday Times - Icons from Us on Vimeo.

Some more inspiration which I find pretty useful for Miniature Painters too ...

Process- the painting of "Plastic" from Robin Eley on Vimeo.

This is just great to see the change in such a small number of years ...

Academy Awards: Best Visual Effects Oscar Winners from Nelson Carvajal on Vimeo.


  1. Hello Roman,
    today I took the time to check this movies. Thank you for choosing and sharing. All of them are great. The movie with plastic painter confuses me. Is the model at the end real or is it the picture. And nearly every movie in the best visual effects, I know and I decided to watch them in near future again. Thanks and

    always with best regards

  2. Hey Daddy@Cool,
    happy that you found the videos inspiring. The picture with the painting plastic is a superrealistic painting. What you see in the end is painted with a brush. Here is more of such if you are interested: http://www.buzzfeed.com/hnigatu/works-of-art-you-wont-believe-arent-photographs
