15 January 2014

PaintMyMinis App - Free Code Winners

Hello there,

Marius from PaintMyMinis App and MV chose five people
who commented on the introduction post of this cool app.
The winners have been decided randomly and here is the list of the lucky winners:

Ziro Live

Please write your email to jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com to recieve your codes and introduction on how to use them.

For all of you who are interested in further development of this app and wished for a Android version (like I do too) I can only recommend to you to subscribe to Scriblabs Newsletter, here!

Everybody interested in this app is invited to join the forum and help further development and ideas, to the forum - this link!

Thanks to Scriblab for the collaberation with MV!

Speaking of winners I am still in need of some other emails:

Luthien - won "Beneath the Pyramid" by NorthStarModels

Lester - won 3rd in Respiratory System Check

Gilles - 2nd prize donated to you by Engineer Jeff

... please drop me your postal information over on my mail and already prepared parcels will hit the road.


1 comment:

  1. oh...this is for iphone only...in that case plese give my code to someone else, i did not see that, sorry for the inconvinience...
