10 December 2013

Weekend WiPs

Hey guys,

just a few more days till I join Roman on his trip for the painting-class in the Netherlands. I´m looking foreward to a weekend full of fun and even more painting :-)

Actually there is some more time for the hobby then in the last months and I have some nice projects on the workbench.

The Undead King ist developing quite quickly and I´m happy to see him finished soon. There is still some detail work to do (base, skin, metallics), but I think there are only a few hours necessary to bring him to an end.

Thanks to Bene for the pictures:

Two commissions are also ready to begin with. A Grey Knight Character for the gaming table and a commisson for a Chaos Slannesh Defiler. I´m totally free in creating the monster and for this the client sent my two sets and a lot of bitz... there are already some ideas developing and I´m eager to get started :)

So the weeks around Chrismas and New Years Eve are packed with some nice hobby related things and I will enjoy my free days :)

And some crazy inspiration (friends showed me videos of this band after some beers... definitly makes strange things with your mind...):

Regards Peter


  1. The undead king is one of my favorite figures, mine is still mint. Great job till now!

  2. WoooouuuhhH!! That music video got me! :D

  3. I love that figure but now I'm wondering where it came from... any chance you could let me know?
