01 November 2013

Kong's WIP-thoughts - November #01

let's have a look on WIP table again ... here is the last one!

I am painting further on the base of the Chimera, but it is really exhausting as it is to big. I will show you more progress when I am more happy with on how it looks overall :D

Waiting I do when it comes to the great figure of Marrow Production's Monkey King.
Check their Kickstarter which is running right now with really cool stretch goals.

I am awaiting a parcel from Hong Kong to recieve one piece of the figure I lost somehow. Stupid me. Definatly not as professional as I should be. Just a human. So the Monkey King is on hold, but I am expecting that parcel to arrive in the next days. I pray for it. If you don't know the Monkey King figure I am talking about - here is the last WIP shot I have made:

Sorry for the bad photo -
 it was done with my mobile cam and too much light. 

Looking forward to paint again on the figure. PARCEL!!! Arrive!! NAU!!!
Maybe I can finish it in time for Monte San Savino Figure show ... 

Ok, well ... 
 ... after the two latest 1:72 pieces that I did, I really really fell in love with Zveda's 1:72 models. 

More 1:72 Work in Progress ... 

Urgs ... dried out ... always close your bottles/pots properly:

Raffa is working on a very big diorama at the moment and he spents a lot of time in the Studio. I can't every day as my office and email work keeps me pretty busy and also I am writing on the last part of the Step by Step "The Last Light". I finished doing the video cut for it some days ago and believe me it was also some though work. I guess soon I am able to show it, finally.

Sunshine hits the wet palette - magical moment ...

All around is Autumn beauty...

So far from my table ... Wish you all some happy painting!

1 comment:

  1. I think i know that "gazzosa". :P

    Good memories.. best wishes, guys!

