30 November 2013

Cursed Monkeys: Modeling. Stories in Miniature

Hello Jungle friends,

our apefriends over on Cursed Monkeys have a great Indigogo campaign running, called

This book is definatly worth to back in my eyes as it looks like it will contain a lot of knowledge and experience by the cursed monkey team (photo taken from their campaign):

There is also a video that shows a preview.
This was just a test print and is not the final version of the book:
I am going to back now!
What about you?

"Modeling. Stories in Miniature". 


  1. This looks very, very, VERY interesting...
    Thinking about getting this one!

    Thanks for sharing

  2. I just wish I had that book right now because I working on several figures at al most the same time.

  3. Thank you very much for the support. I am thrilled and I hope the book will help someone.
    Again Thanks.

  4. Great to read about the book, have seen it this minute on planetfigure. Do you ship in Germany, Jar?? Would be cool to get some information, I must have this thing! Thanks for helping out, Frank kayterku@googlemail.com

  5. Hey Frank, well we do not ship the Cursed Monkey books. If you are interested in our own Artbook please check this link: http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.de/2014/02/mv-figure-art-artbook-information.html

    If you want more information by our spanish friends, the Cursed Monkeys, please check their blog and contact: http://cursedmonkeys.com/?lang=en

  6. Gargl, I have your book already and am always on the lookout for cool stuff to read, exactly like your artbook or this here. Maybe you will do something new in the future? Hope dies at last... Cheers, Frank
