03 November 2013

1:72 - Bull Fight


There is a bull fight in the stadion. Vamos!

Really, I never would go there. I don't want to put any offence in the direction of all my spanish friends, but I personally can't like the tradition of bull fighting. I don't think humans should treat animals like that. I don't find respect for life in it. Well ... Vamos! No! :D

This is a 1:72 bull from the company Preiser that was put in the scene of his tragic and sad last moments of a bull fight. The little sticks on his back have been done with the use of accupuncture needles and the little roses are made from cutted leave veins plus some little pieces of leaves.

Hope you like it! You can see more detailed photos on Putty&Paint.
Let me know what you think about the tradition of Bull Fights and the figure.
Best Wishes


  1. Wow! amazing job on such a tiny miniature. I really like all the 1:72 mini´s you have done recently but this is something extra!
    About the bull fight´s, I couldn´t agree with you more.

  2. Excellent mini dio of a sad subject.
    Using animals for entertainment, especially when it leads to the prolonged death of an animal is IMHO, barbaric. The usual Argument used to Support all blood sports is "keeping a sense of Tradition" a pathetic excuse, as it was traditional to do a lot of evil things but most People have finally seen sense.

  3. Stunning work as usual, but even more due to the scale! Ordered my first set of miniatures in 1:72 a few days ago. My appreciation will rise a thousandfold, when I got those in my hand and realy understand what you created ;)

    In regards to the "tradition" of bull fighting. It fills my heart both with sadness for this unnecessary cruel behaviour towards those majestic, feeling, caring animals and with rage against people enjoying this mindless bloodshed.

  4. Gentleman, thank you for your comments. I am happy that you like this tiny piece, even the subject is really somehow ... strange. I don't like bullfights, but do a little diorama of it?? Well, thanks too for your comments on the subject ...

  5. Really great work as always from you and especially great given your dislike of the subject.

    It's not something I would want to see and like many sports that kill really has no place in a modern world


  6. it looks great but Im so not into bull fighting I think it's cruel
