21 October 2013

1:72 - the sacrifice

Good Morning,

the gods demand their sacrifice of their worshippers,
to guide them through the upcoming battle ... make ready now!

Great 1:72 figures from Zveda. Spartans.
A fun project indeed, poor sheep - who knows if the gods are listening today.

If you like it you can find more views on Putty&Paint.

Did you see that one of those warriors looks like Kyle aka MR Lee. I had such a lol about that, but indeed there he is again, that guy :)

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. I didn't believe it until I opened the photo larger... laughed so hard at work that others are asking me what am I laughing at! New profile photo for me now :) Great mate.. just great!

  2. Fantastic Work, Roman...!
    In "my" Scale...

  3. So unfair, are you deliberately trying to enhance our feeling of inadequacy? ;)

  4. Hey, many thanks for your comments. Happy that you like this little diorama...

    No definatly not ;)

    I knew ... I had the same laughter while painting that guy and well, he just turned to look like you without planning it ... I was painting and suddently: This is Kyle!
