06 September 2013

Toms' tree house

posted by Oli, HonourGuard, silver leaf

Toms' tree house

I wanted to show you one of my last little dioramas, this time I created something in an other scale H0 or 1/87.

The basic scenery were a box from Woodland scenics. I found that in a model railroad store in the near of my home. I added some parts, like a bigger base, some old tires and palettes and some more branches.
Creating this scene were really a lot of fun, here you can see two pictures of the diorama without colors:

After that I started with a basecoat with my airbrush and worked out the different elements. And in the end another part that I really like, I added all the different basing materials. Now here are the pictures of the finished diorama:

I think this won't be my last smaller diorama. In smaller size you can create much bigger scenes without needing huge space. Pretend what a base you need if you want to create a realistic tree for a 32mm figure or a 54mm figure.

Here is a link to cmon and P&P Thanks for votes or answers.

Enough talked, I hope you like it :)

Best regards Oli