26 August 2013

Raffa's Work in Progress - August #1

Hey everyone!

Can you hear the wind blowing through the jungle? It's a bit quite at the moment ... mainly because Roman is away for his much deserved vacation!

But this won't stop the rest of the jungle from posting.
At the moment I'm working on a new project... it's very demanding and one of the few moments when I am happy about all the electronic classes I got in school when I did my apprenticeship as a Specialised Computer Scientist (finished in 2002, oh my, time flies).

And still I got some eletric shocks by touching the wrong parts at the wrong time!
I don't want to show any work in progress photos right now, but I think soon will be the time to reveal some parts :)

Just one small teaser photo, hehe

But when I'm not soldering stuff, I still have other projects, building a new turntable for more turnaround videos and painting a Nurgle terminator (he has some cool name, but I forgot it / EDIT: Typhus, Herald of Nurgle [Thanks for the Facebook comment :) ]):
It's pretty basic paintjob so far without a fancy base... but as said, it's just for fun and relaxation!

I hope I get to the studio soon to continue with my project... at the moment there is still very much to do at home...

Oh and for some really nice videos, check out the YouTube Channel of Legacy Effects. Some special effect sweetness awaits you there (without CG, real oldschool stuff ;)

Best wishes,

1 comment:

  1. excellent as usual. Typhus is the name btw
