05 August 2013

Kong's WIP thoughts - August #01

Hello jungle traveler, 

the jungle might stay pretty silent in the next days from my side.

I am not really able to write a lot as I spent mostly every minute awake in the studio and paint.
Meanwhile I don't feel the heat anymore, I don't feel my exhausted body limbs anymore, I just paint. through everyday. I won't surrender to my inner demons.

Soon it is over and I am looking forward to make some summer holidays after the Games Day Germany. In retroperspective I will for sure say that this summer sucked. Painting all the time in a cave, but the holiday with my lady will make all good again. You can't imagine how much I am looking forward to that.

Yeah, it is August.
I was close to miss the change as the last month went by with too much time spent in the studio. I decided not to show any more progress of my project, but as I got asked the last days: yes, there will be a report about it as I made already 250+ photos ...

So, as you can see I ain't got much to tell, so I will jump the bike and head out for the studio ...
swinging the brush ... musica if you like!

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. Happy holidays with your lady and relaxes your body and mind ......
    For August I'm at work and in the evening I paint and prepare my projects for Monte San Savino ... November it's near....

    Best regards
    sorry for my english


  2. best wishes from the american gulf coast.
    go relax. see some cool stuff.
    and ride careful!

  3. Hope your project will be ready in time and looking forward to the project report:) Have a successful Games Day and a great vacation!
